Oh, where do I even begin with this wedding! If you know me at all, you know that I love the following things so much: Fall weather, Duluth and anything north shore, and intimate weddings. Well, Kellianne and Justin incorporated all of these things into their wedding day, and honestly we hit it off from the moment I met them.
These two have the sweetest love story that I just have to share with you. Justin was working at the hospital as a Security Officer at the time, and Kellianne had an after-hours MRI scheduled. After her appointment, they talked for hours. In Justin’s own words, he told me “Later on I found out the Kellianne couldn’t stop thinking about the Security Officer that was at the door and I couldn’t stop thinking about that hot girl that had come in for an MRI.” And so their love story started.
I can’t even try to summarize their proposal because it’s just too cute to leave anything out, so here is the proposal details in their own words:
From Kellianne’s perspective: The process started in February, 2019 on Valentines Day. Justin gave me a platinum dipped rose and told me that this is the year that I’m going to propose. After a long torturous Summer, with lots of hints and missed opportunities he finally tricked me and proposed. After tricking me in to setting up a tour at the Gleensheen he proposed to me there. My favorite part of the proposal was the letter later.
From Justin’s perspective: The process started back on Valentines day as mentioned above. I had placed the details of the proposal in her Valentines day card in a hidden message that she wouldn’t realize until later. I had made sure to keep her guessing and made sure to keep her thinking the whole year that the proposal could come at any time. After I asked both of her dad’s for permission Kellianne was certain she know when the proposal would happen. To throw her off I bought a paddle lock that contained a key and told her that she would have to wear the key around her neck because some day she would need it when I proposed. When we went to Duluth I told her she didn’t need to take the key. I had locked her ring on the lock so when I did propose she was in a panic. This brings me to my favorite part besides the fact that she said yes and at this point I was engaged to the love of my life. Her ring was locked to the lock and she didn’t have a key and she didn’t know that I had a key. Seeing the panic, excitement, happiness all at the same time in her face was priceless. I of course had a key in my pocket for her to use.
Aren’t these two just the cutest?! I just can’t with them! *insert all the heart eyes*
From the moment I arrived at the Glensheen Mansion, throughout their ceremony, and into the rest of the evening at their intimate dinner in a local park, they couldn’t stop touching, hugging, kissing, smiling, looking at each other. Their love and affection was infectious, and they shared so many intimate moments that made their day all the sweeter. There was no doubt in my mind, or anyone else’s mind for that matter, that these two were crazy in love, and were so ready to continue on in their lives together, their marriage together. In each of these photos, you’ll be able to see the love I just described, and know without a doubt that these two found something truly, truly special in each other.